This page contains all projects, notes, and random blogs that I have written. You can give suggestions for the website and the content here
Brains and AI
The primary motivation for AI stems from our brains. How has our research in cognitive science shaped the modern AI systems?
Machine Learning Systems
Few keypoints from books other important papers in the field.
AI Agents
Everyone is talking about agents. But what is an agent? Is it just a buzzword being thrown around? This article talks deeply about this issue along with the technical ideas associated.
Reinforcement Learning Theory
A deep dive of the basic RL theory and how we used them in modern ML systems.
Data Systems for Machine Learning
Prompting ChatGPT is not enough. To build large-scale AI systems, it is imperative to understand how to design the proper systems to optimize all the computations. The following blog is a deep-dive into system/data design for Machine Learning frameworks.
Statistical Natural Language Processing
Enter the world of Natural Language Processing.
Large Language Model Reasoning
A survey of papers to better understand the workings of Large Language Models.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
A collection of ideas for design algorithms and analyzing them.
Tabletop Manipulation Algorithms
Evaluating interactions in music