This page contains all projects, notes, and random blogs that I have written. You can give suggestions for the website and the content here

    • Lattices in Cryptography and Quantum Computers

    • Object Detection

      A brief survey of object detection methods in 2023.

    • Numerical Analysis Notes

      A course disucssing interpolation theory, numerical intergration, numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations, numerical solutions to system of linear equations and roots of non-linear equations.

    • DiBS Notes

      An introductory course for design and programming of database systems. Covers the entity-relationship (ER) approach to data modelling, the relational model of database management systems (DBMSs) and the use of query languages such as SQL. Briefly discusses query processing and the role of transaction management.

    • Automata Notes

      An introductory course to Automata theory. The first half covers DFAs, NFAs, and their various properties. Relations of regularity of languages and DFAs/NFAs and proofs of non-regularity of languages. The second half of the notes covers pushdown automata, context free grammar and their relation with deterministic PDAs. Briefly touches upon Turing machines.

    • IPL Notes

      A course covering the details of the inner workings of a compiler. We start off with scanning ,parsing and semantic analysis to generate ASTs. Then, we discuss IR generator to create TAC. Lastly, we discuss a few register allocation algorithms.

    • Operating System Notes

      Basic concepts of Operating Systems like process abstraction, process execution mechanism, inter-process mechanism, memory management, paging, memory allocation and free space management algorithms, threads and concurrency, locks, condition variables, semaphores, I/O and filesystems, etc.

    • Philosophy Notes

      An introductory philosophical course discussing the transitions in philosophical thought from Greek philosophy to modern philosophy. The notes cover topics such as classical philosophy, Socratic period, Indian philosophy, and modern philosophy.

    • Machine Learning Cheatsheet

    • Programming Cheatsheet

      A quick overview of all the important concepts in DSA.

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